Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why you should focus on making yourself healthier and not what the scale or measurements say!

Focus on making yourself healthier and not on the weight you want to lose or were told you should lose.  It is almost guaranteed that as you keep making healthier decisions in your everyday life your body will also become healthier and thus you will weigh less.  It’s common for people to believe that weighing themselves every day, going on cleanses and diets will help them get the body they want.  Please listen carefully… it has been proven the more you weigh yourself and stress over the scale the less results you will see.  We all need to step back and reevaluate.  What is one healthy change you can do today and stick with for the rest of your life? This one change will go far and your body will change.  Once it becomes a habit it’s time to choose another healthy change.  Focus on HEALTH NOT WEIGHT LOSS!

Tips on changing:
-          Ask yourself before everything you eat… is this going to make me more healthy or less healthy?
-          Start with just drinking enough water in a day. This one healthy change will improve skin, eyes, nails, digestion and overall health!
-          Take 5 deep breathes before you choose what your next food choice is going to be.
.     Be realistic, there is absolutely no way to be healthy without eating enough vegetables. How can you bridge this gap in your life?
      Make sure to be eating every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism going and cravings down. 
-          Get enough sleep each night. Without sleep your body craves more sugary foods and puts a negative stressor on your body.
-          Try Relaxing! Your body needs rest and relaxation just as much as it needs movement.

“If you focus on eating better, sleeping better, and making yourself healthier… your shape will have no choice but to shift. Yes, automatically.” Whole30

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Fail to Prepare and you are Preparing to Fail"

Think about it! Fail to prepare and you are preparing to fail! How do you prepare your body/ mind for the day?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why you should focus on making yourself healthier and not what the scale says!

Focus on making yourself healthier and not on the weight you want to lose or were told you should lose.  It is almost guaranteed that as you keep making healthier decisions in your everyday life your body will also become healthier and thus you will weigh less.  It’s common for people to believe that weighing themselves every day, going on cleanses and diets will help them get the body they want.  Please listen carefully… it has been proven the more you weigh yourself and stress over the scale the less results you will see.  We all need to step back and reevaluate.  What is one healthy change you can do today and stick with for the rest of your life? This one change will go far and your body will change.  Once it becomes a habit it’s time to choose another healthy change.  Focus on HEALTH NOT WEIGHT LOSS!

Tips on changing:

-        -   Ask yourself before everything you eat… is this going to make me more healthy or less healthy?
-        -   Start with just drinking enough water in a day. This one healthy change will improve skin, eyes, nails, digestion and overall health!
-        -   Take 5 deep breathes before you choose what your next food choice is going to be.
-        -   If you can’t eat enough vegetables in a day….. start taking Juice Plus. Be realistic, there is absolutely no way to be healthy without eating enough vegetables.
-       -    Get enough sleep each night. Without sleep your body craves more sugary foods and puts a negative stressor on your body.
-        -   Try Relaxing! Your body needs rest and relaxation just as much as it needs movement.

“If you focus on eating better, sleeping better, and making yourself healthier… your shape will have no choice but to shift. Yes, automatically.” Whole30

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sautéed Green Beans in 3 Easy Steps

Add some flavor to your green beans in 3 easy steps. 

1. Heat up some (about 1 tbsp) coconut oil in a pan

2. Add in diced red onion and fresh diced or pressed garlic

3. Add in your green beans 

***Note: amounts will vary with how many people you're cooking for. I made 1 cup of green beans for 1 person. 

Still healthy but filled with flavor! Could add salt and pepper if you'd like a little more! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Check out the Transformation Link!

Is this you before/ during/ after the holiday season?!?!?!?!

Holidays aren't just a time to relax on your health, get motivated, lose weight before the season begins and learn how to keep it off with one of these transformations here! Contact

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Homemade dark chocolate peanut butter cups

Chocolate is great, but chocolate mixed with peanut butter is even better! Reese's peanut butter cups are made with a lot of added sugars and junk. Try these raw guilt free peanut butter cups for a dessert this holiday season! 

Chocolate layer ingredients: 
Coconut oil
Dark chocolate unsweetened cocoa powder 
Unsweetened almond milk 
Raw honey 

Peanut butter layer: 
PB2 regular 

In a small sauce pan add in coconut oil (about 1/2 cup)  and melt on low heat. (Sorry for no exact measurements, I kept adding as I needed to for taste and quantity). Add in almond milk (about 1/2 cup). Stir and add in cocoa powder (1 to 2 tbsp depending on taste). Last add in enough honey to sweeten to your preference. Keep stirring. 
One all ingredients are combined fill a cupcake pan with tinfoil holders and pour in a thin layer of the chocolate mixture. Freeze this for 20 minutes. Keep remaining mixture warm and keep stirring occasionally. 
Peanut butter layer: 
Add PB2 and water together and pour on top of the chocolate. Freeze this for 20 minutes. 
Last step!!
Pour a thin layer of the remaining chocolate on top of the peanut butter layer. Freeze this for 1 hour. 
Enjoy frozen or chilled in the refrigerator 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Workout!

No time for the gym? Need to be home with your kids? Bad road conditions? Whatever your reason for not making it to the gym today, no need to lose all of that motivation.  Try this at home workout when your schedule allows it!

12 Days of Christmas!

Start at number 12 and work your way down.  You will do number 12, then back to the start... number 12, number 11... then back to the start number 12, number 11, number 10... then back to the start..... number 12 number 11 number 10 number 9...... etc, etc until you have made your way down to number 1!

12. Squats
11. Jumping Jacks or star jacks
10. Step ups each leg (use a cooler, chair, etc.)
9. Dips (use that same cooler, chair, etc.)
8. Skaters (each way)
7. Push- ups
6. Burpees
5. Froggers (stick your butt back and jump like a frog)
4. Inch worms
3. Lunges each leg
2. 2 minute plank (or as long as you can)
1. 1 minute squat hold against the wall

By the end you will have completed 144 squats, 121 jumping hacks, 49 push-ups, and 36 burpees
Post- Workout Recovery Shake and enjoy your day!