Focus on making yourself healthier and not on the weight you
want to lose or were told you should lose.
It is almost guaranteed that as you keep making healthier decisions in
your everyday life your body will also become healthier and thus you will weigh
less. It’s common for people to believe
that weighing themselves every day, going on cleanses and diets will help them
get the body they want. Please listen
carefully… it has been proven the more you weigh yourself and stress over the
scale the less results you will see. We
all need to step back and reevaluate.
What is one healthy change you can do today and stick with for the rest
of your life? This one change will go far and your body will change. Once it becomes a habit it’s time to choose
another healthy change. Focus on HEALTH
Tips on changing:
Ask yourself before everything you eat… is this
going to make me more healthy or less healthy?
Start with just drinking enough water in a day.
This one healthy change will improve skin, eyes, nails, digestion and overall
Take 5 deep breathes before you choose what your
next food choice is going to be.
. Be realistic, there is absolutely no way to be healthy
without eating enough vegetables. How can you bridge this gap in your life?
Make sure to be eating every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism going and cravings down.
Get enough sleep each night. Without sleep your
body craves more sugary foods and puts a negative stressor on your body.
Try Relaxing! Your body needs rest and
relaxation just as much as it needs movement.
“If you focus on eating better, sleeping better, and making
yourself healthier… your shape will have no choice but to shift. Yes,
automatically.” Whole30