Wouldn't want to leave you without these few Holiday tips that have shown to keep you from gaining that undesired holiday weight:
1. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water daily (especially during family gatherings)
2. Slow down your eating! Take smaller bites and savor the taste. This has been proven to help make you realize when you are full and will reduce the cravings to keep eating the sugary treats.
3. Splurge guilt free. Enjoy a splurge here and there, you are human, but do not hang on to it forever. One bite of chocolate cake will not ruin your goals.
4. Plan Ahead! This may be one of the most important steps in achieving your health goals. Create a plan going into every Holiday party you attend and stick to it!
5. Use complete shakes as a Nutrition tool. On the run and need a quick snack, have a complete shake ready to go! At a party and the food isn't what you expected, Juice Plus complete can help! Need help creating a healthy meal, Juice Plus complete can help any time, any where!
6. Bring a healthy dish to share. You know your friends and family better than anyone. If they usually have lots of desserts and unhealthy options, bring a vegetable or fruit tray to share. Makes an easy snack for yourself!
7. Exercise! This is crucial. You don't want that piece of cake hanging around your hips right?? Studies show that exercising throughout the holidays can help to offset some of the holiday weight gain.
8. Take JuicePlus capsules. These make it easy to get all of your vegetable and fruit servings throughout the day, every day! Even on the Holidays ;)
9. Relax and enjoy the family time. Yes, food is a big part of the holidays, but isn't family the most important part? Focus on family, not the dessert tray on the table.
10. Breathe! Take 10 deep breathes whenever you feel like you want to splurge. Remind yourself why being healthy is important and re focus your mind.
Hope Everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and is gearing up for the Christmas season. Check back for Holiday recipes, more tips, guidelines and at home workouts!
Contact: brooke@fytresults.com or http://bb29059.juiceplus.com/