Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Psoriasus: My Personal Experience and Testimonial

JuicePlus testimonial

As a child I knew that my father suffered from psoriasis, but what I never had realized was how hereditary it could be.  When I hit middle school I began to get dry skin under my hair, white flakes I tried to hide and a non- stop itching scalp.  This is when my psoriasis outbreaks began.  At first I tried to ignore it, but after time it began to get worse.  I would dread showering because my scalp would burn.  I would dread wearing my hair down in fear of someone seeing a patch of my psoriasis.  I would dread wearing dark colored shirts because someone might see the white flakes falling onto my shoulders.  Every day I would deal with these and be in a constant state of paranoia.  The psoriasis would spread from my scalp to my face, then to my neck, my armpits, elbows, and hips.  Although I was lucky and it stayed on my scalp the majority of the time, it was in times like these that I felt like hiding under a blanket all day.  Every person that I came into contact with all I could think about was them staring at my red, dry, flaky skin.  As I got older, entered high school, and my first couple years of college I thought nothing would ever work to end my disease.  I tried changing shampoos, different lotions, gels, aloe, eating all organic foods, different healing sprays, and adding multivitamin supplements into my diet.  I could not find a solution and getting a prescription drug was not something I was willing to look into.  My junior year of college I began to work at FyT Results and it was here that I was introduced to JuicePlus.  The owner of FyT Results, Tanner, told me about the capsules and how they could help to improve my health.  I thought it was a joke, took the capsules to be polite and threw them into the back of my cupboard.  I thought I ate plenty of fruits and vegetables, so how could these possibly help me?

Upon entering my senior of college I began to have one of the worst outbreaks of psoriasis I had ever had.  My scalp would scab up and begin to bleed, the psoriasis covered half of my neck, looked like ring worm and I began to get desperate.  I would do anything I could to hide the patches, wear sweatshirts, my hair down, even point it out and joke about it to try to hide my embarrassment.  One day I saw the JuicePlus capsules in the back of my cupboard and decided to give them a try.  One month passed, two months passed and I noticed how much more energy I had! I thought it might be JuicePlus, but maybe I was just getting more sleep.  As time went on I continued to take my capsules.  Four months passed and the psoriasis on my neck was cleared! I could not believe it.  I was still not convinced though, so I decided I should probably keep taking them and see what else happens.  After about six months of taking the capsules the psoriasis on my scalp also disappeared.  It was then that I finally believed in JuicePlus and everything that they had to offer! Four capsules, two vegetable and two fruit, and a little patience is all it took! I realize I may still have a few outbreaks here and there, but the emotional relief of not dealing with trying to hide my psoriasis every day is worth every penny and more. JuicePlus changed my life, and it might just be able to change yours too!