When it comes to buying conventionally grown foods to organic foods it is hard to know where to draw the line. Of course, if you can afford to buy all organic foods, I would say go for it!! When it comes to fruits and vegetables some you should choose organic first, here is the list I have formulated for you!
1. Apples: most apples are heavily sprayed with pesticides that are harmful to the human body.
2. Berries: all berries! Many berries are heavily sprayed with chemicals, reducing their antioxidant capacity.
3. Spinach
4. Peppers: bell peppers, banana peppers, hot peppers
5. Tomatoes: if it is not deep red, don't buy it!
6. Cucumbers
7. Celery
8. Potatoes: they are grown in the ground, therefore soaking up everything that ground comes in contact with (pesticides, chemicals)
9. Grapes: imported grapes have been found to have over 30 pesticides!
10. Peaches
11. Nectarines
12. Kale/ collard greens
Buy all of these organic when you can! Never forget a conventionally grown fruit or vegetable is still going to be better for you than cookies or a bag of chips (even if they are organic)!